News, etc.
28th November 2024:
Daniel Honetschläger won the Students' Science Conference, section Chemistry of polymers I (BSc students) at UCT Prague. That's some achievement for him and for me as well (first time my students participating). However, I'd like to acknowledge all my students for their work. I think all of them did a great job even though my support was limited due the business trip to Japan. Thank you all and congratulations!
We will collaborate with the UCT Team on Biosensors for an international competition.
On 19th September 2024, I will speak about hydrogels in a workshop held within the international project FOR2811. Thank Dr. Petr Košovan from Charles University for the invitation, which allows me to promote my emerging group!
On 9th September 2024, our bachelor students participated in the International Symposium of Polymers and Supramolecular Chemistry at Charles University in Prague, where they had a rare opportunity to introduce their projects internationally. It was an invaluable experience for only second-year students! Besides that, I spoke about the OSTEOCHON project.
We are preparing for Gel Symposium 2024 in Okinawa, where leaders in the field of (hydrogels) will meet.
A stop will also be the LSW of Prof. Gong in Sapporo - coming back after more than 5 years!
Our scientific comics will appear at the Czech European Researcher's Night called Noc vědců (meaning "Researcher's Night")! The topic is "Transformation".
We support the project Zeptej se vědce (translated as "Ask the Scientist", the website is only in Czech).
From February to March 2024, we hosted 2 Erasmus+ students from Ghent University. They worked on a part of their master thesis on "Poly(2-alkyl-2-oxazoline) hydrogels as new synthetic matrices for 3D cell and organoid cultures". We thank our colleagues from the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology (namely Dr. Jan Lipov, Dr. Zelenka, and Emilie Kučerová) for help with testing the synthesized hydrogels.
In the winter semester of 2023, three second-year university students (Michal Janoušek, Daniel Honetschläger, and Richard Heralt) opted for the topic of hydrogel for their bachelor thesis. Hard to imagine a better start for the emerging group! We wish them that their work will be fun and enriching and that they will gain interesting knowledge for the scientific community.