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Nacházíte se: VŠCHT PrahaFCHTÚstav polymerů  → Kontakt → Zaměstnanci/ Staff → Radka Kalousková


Assistant Professor

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Faculty of Chemical Technology
Department of Polymers
Technická 5
CZ-166 28 Prague 6
Czech Republic

room: A216
phones: (+420) 2 2044 4048
fax: (+420) 2 2044 3175


  • PhD., Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague,  1988, Polymerization of lactams in the presence of phosphous acid
  • MSc. Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, 1982, Polymerization of ε-caprolactam in the presence of polyethyleneglycol


  • Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Assistant Professor, 2003
  • Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, fellow, 1997
  • Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, researcher, 1994
  • Charles University, Faculty of medicine, III. Internal clinic, researcher, 1988


  • Industrial applications of polymers, recycling and ecology of polymers (M.Sc.)
  • Material corrosion, (1/4) (B.Sc.)
  • Laboratories of Polymer specialization II, III (B.Sc., M.Sc.)
  • Bachelor(5) and Diploma Thesis (11) supervisor

 Research Interests  

  • stabilization and degradation of PVC blends
  • ecologically acceptable additives
  • stabilizing systems based on hydrotalcite-like compounds
  • influence of plasticizers on photostability, thermal and mechanical properties of PVC blends
  • evaluation of blends of PVC and polyesteramides based on ε-caprolactam and ε-caprolactone and aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters

List of the most important publications in last  5 years

Kalouskova R., Novotná M., Vymazal Z.:
Investigation of thermal stabilization of PVC by lead stearate and its combination with synthetic hydrotalcite.
Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2004, roč.85,č.2, 903-906, ISSN: 0141-3910

Kovanda F., Jirátová K., Kalousková R.:
Synthetic Hydrotalcite-like Compounds
in Advances in Chemistry Research, Nova Science Publishers ,ed.Gerard F.L., kap.5, 89-133, New York 2006, ISBN 1-59033-966-5

Kalousková R., Markvart L., Kredatusová J., Brožek J.:
Properties of poly(vinylchloride) and polyesteramides blends
J. Appl. Polym.Sci., 114(2),826-833 (2009), ISSN: 0021-8995

Author and coauthor of other 8 peer reviewed papers, and 20 conference lectures, short communications and posters and 3 patents.


Aktualizováno: 21.1.2015 20:16, Autor: Jan Merna

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