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Petr SYSELProfessor |
- Ph.D., Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Macromolecular Chemistry, 1990, Anionic Polymerization of 6-Hexanolactam in the Presence of Tertiary Amines
- MSc in Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Technology of polymer production and processing, 1982
- Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Professor, 2014-
- Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Associate Professor, 2006-2013
- Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Assistant Profesor, 1990-2006
- Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Assistant, 1986-1990
- Mechanisms of Polymerization Reactions (MSc)
- Special Polymers for Modern Applications (MSc)
- Composite Materials (Polymeric Composites) (MSc)
- Laboratory exercises I, III (Bc, MSc)
- Bachelor, Diploma and Doctoral thesis supervisor
- Polymeric Membranes (Bc, MSc)
Grant projects in last 5 years
- GAČR 20-06264S Separation of Enantiomers by Chiral Membranes: Experiment and Simulations, principal co-investigator, 2020-2022
- GA ČR 18-07619S Janus Nanoparticles for Catalysis and Membrane Processes, member of research team, 2018-2020
- GA ČR 17-00089S Separation of Racemic Mixtures by Membrane Processes, principal co-investigator/researcher, 2017-2019
- GA ČR 15-06479S Preparation and Characterization of Novel Polymeric Membranes with Embedding of Additivies for Effective CO2 Separation from Gas Mixtures, member of research team, 2015-2017
Committees and advisory boards
2009- Member of the Council of Higher Education Institutions of the Czech Republic
Memberships, fellowships and awards
- 2009 Who´s Who in the World
- 2004 European Chemist (Eurchem)
- 1991 The William and Mary Greve Foundation, Inc., New York Fellowship
Primary Research Interests
- Preparation and characterization of (modified) polyimides (e.g. polyimide-polysiloxane block copolymers, hyperbranchedpolyimides, polyimide-silica hybrid materials via a sol-gel process, polyimides with additives (zeolites, cucurbiturils, calixarenes, hypercrosslinked polymer particles, silicon dioxide) and structure-property relationships of these materials
- Polymeric materials for a potential use as polymeric membranes
Hyperbranched polyimides containing additives
The study of the preparation of (nano)composite materials based on the polyimides and additives (silica, metal-organic frameworks, magnetic particles). The influence of the additives on properties of the products is explored. |
Rybak A., Grzywna Sysel P.: Mixed Matrix Membranes Composed of Various Polymer Materials and Magnetic Powder for Air Separation. Separation and Purification Technology 118, 424-431 (2013). Čapek P., Veselý M., Bernauer B., Sysel P., Hejtmánek V., Kočiřík M., Brabec L., Prokopová O.: Stochastic Reconstruction of Mixed-matrix Membranes and Evaluation of Effective Permeability. Computational Materials Science 89, 142-156 (2014). Rybak A., Rybak A., Sysel P.: Modeling of Gas Permeation through Mixed-Matrix Membranes Using Novel Computer Application MOT. Applied Sciences 2018, 8(7), 1166, 20 pp. |
Polyimides containing siloxane moieties are used in some advanced applications. For example, these polymers can be employed as separation membranes in the form of self-standing, thin films. These products are formed by components of different polarities that have the tendency, at least partly, to separate in the final materials, with an impact on their final, bulk, and/or surface properties.
Janegová K., Sysel P., Kulhánková H., Perfilov V. A., Bernauer M., Fíla V.: Poly(imide-siloxane) Films with Controlled Thickness. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2021, 138 (8), e49893 (article number) (11 pp). |
List of the most important publications in last 5 year
Janegová K., Sysel P., Kulhánková H., Perfilov V. A., Bernauer M., Fíla V.
Poly(imide-siloxane) Films with Controlled Thickness.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2021, 138 (8), e49893 (article number) (11 pp).
Sysel P., Kulhánková H., Weinertová K.
Polyimides Prepared without the Use of Toxic Amidic Solvents.
Journal of Polymer Research 2020, 27, 227 (article number) (8 pp).
Vu N.-H., Kitlička J., Friess K., Sysel P., Faltus M.
Způsob výroby polymerních materiálů s rovnoměrně rozptýlenými jemnými částicemi feromagnetických látek.
Číslo patentu: CZ 308362, datum vydání: 24. 6. 2020.
Martin-Gil, V.; Dujardin, W.; Sysel, P.; Koeckelberghs, G.; Vankelecom, I. F. J.; Fila, V.
Effect of benzoic acid content on aging of 6FDA copolyimides based thin film composite (TFC) membranes in CO2/CH4 environment.
Separation and Purification Technology 2019, 210, 616-626.
Diblíková, P.; Sysel, P.; Čapek, P.
Mixed-matrix membranes based on 6FDA-ODA polyimide and silicalite-1 with homogeneous spatial distribution of particles.
Polymer 2019, 178, 121576.
Kohout M., Hovorka Š., Hercikovaá J., Wilk M., Sysel P., Izák P., Bartůněk V., von Baeckmann C., Pícha J., Fruhauf P.
Evaluation of Silica from Different Vendors as the Solid Support of Anion-exchange Chiral Stationary Phases by Means of Preferential Sorption and Liquid Chromatography.
Journal of Separation Science 2019, 42, 3653-3661.
Sysel, P., Patrová A., Lanc M., Friess K.
Poly(imide-siloxane)s based on hyperbranched polyimides.
e-Polymers 2018, 18(2), 105-110.
Diblíková P.,Veselý M., Sysel P., Čapek P.
Reconstructing the microstructure of polyimide–silicalite mixed‐matrix membranes and their particle connectivity using FIB‐SEM tomography.
Journal of Microscopy 2018, 269, 230-246.
Lanč M., Sysel P., Šoltys M., Štěpánek F., Fónod K., Klepić M., Vopička O., Lhotka M., Ulbrich P., Friess K.
Synthesis, preparation and characterization of novel hyperbranched 6FDA-TTM based polyimide membranes for effective CO2 separation: Effect of embedded mesoporous silica particles and siloxane linkages.
Polymer 2018, 144, 33-42
Brabec L.; Sysel P.; Plsek J.; Kocirik M.; Dickerson J. H.
Polyamic Acid: Nanoprecipitation and Electrophoretic Deposition on Porous Supports.
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 2018, 15(3), 489-496.
Rybak A.; Rybak A.; Sysel P.
Modeling of Gas Permeation through Mixed-Matrix Membranes Using Novel Computer Application MOT.
Applied Sciences 2018, 8(7), 1166, 20 pp.
Rybak A., Rybak A., Kaszuwara W., Awietjan S., Sysel P., Grzywna Z. J.:The Studies on Novel Magnetic Polyimide Inorganic-organic Hybrid Membranes for Air Separation.
Materials Letters 208, 14-18 (2017).
Sysel P., Maly D., Vysohlid J., Friess K., Pilnacek K., Lanc M., Vopicka O.
Polyimides Crosslinked with amino Group-containing Compounds.
Polymer Engineering and Science 57, 1367-1373 (2017).
Rybak A., Rybak A., Kaszuwara W., Awietjan S., Molak R., Sysel P., Grzywna Z. J.
The Magnetic Inorganic-organic Hybrid Membranes Based on Polyimide Matrices for Gas separation.
Composites Part B, 110, 161-170 (2017).
Total statistics of published items: 98 articles and reviews, sum of the times cited 748 (643 without self-citations), h-index 16 (Web of Science), 3 chapters in scientific books, about 220 contributions at conferences.